Next Steps
We want to help you experience the presence and power of God every day.
What's your next step in that journey?
We're right beside you with the tools to help.
First Steps
- Attend worship regularly. Worshiping and learning in community with others is one of the best ways to get connected (or re-connected) with God.
- Read the Bible. God's Word is meant to be woven into the fabric of our lives, giving us new wisdom with each season we experience.
- Pray. Through prayer, God adresses our deepest hopes and fears, gives us direction, and expresses his love for us.
Essential Steps
- Be baptized. Baptism is our way of telling our family and friends about our relationship with Christ. Jesus did it, and it's an important way we can follow His footsteps.
- Be bringing. Following Jesus is a journey that becomes more meaningful when shared. Invite your family and friends to join you on your journey. An easy way to do this is to get involved at Chelmsford Bible Church in an area where your passion lies.
- Be giving. When we give, it acknowledges God as the giver of everything we have, reflects our trust that he will continue to provide for us, and allows us to be a part of his work here on earth. It's something we do with joy.
Focused Steps
- Connect with a Group. Here you can make new friends, connect with people growing in the same area as you, or develop mentoring relationships.
- Discover Purpose. Each of us have been placed on earth to fill a role that is uniquely ours.
- Serve. Make a difference by serving a worthy cause, whether volunteering at Chelmsford Bible Church or changing something in your community.
- Grow as a Leader. Invest in others by putting your passion into action. You've got lots of options, like mentoring, coaching, leading a Group, or launching a mission.
- Get Help. Your next step may be gaining freedom from harmful influences in your life, like recovering from addiction or reframing unhealthy relationships.